Imagine this: It's midnight and you're in the sleepy farming town of Lucio Blanco, and you have a craving for a Mexican hot dog. It's not just a craving, but one of those compulsions that urges your body that you just have to get your fix of a hot dog, right now... fast... pronto!! Mind you, not just any hot dog, but a Mexican hot dog, grilled to perfection and wrapped in bacon. When the urge strikes, its not had to scratch your itch, as all you have to do is to visit Hot Dogs El Original, located in Lucio Blanco, at the railroad crossing of Federal Highway 2. Photo: By day, the hot dog trailer is out of sight, and parked behind the local Super Mercado Chavez #3. Nobody bothers the hot dog trailer, as there is practically no crime in Ejido Lucio Blanco. Photo: The same location, near the grocery store, after dark, now sports the "Hot Dogs El Original" sign, and is open for business. Note the small color TV operating just above the "O" in the sign "abierto," and the electric lights which is truly a class act among hot dog vendors. The grill is heated by propane. Tonight is Saturday, September 30, 2006, and it's almost midnight, but Hot Dogs El Original is open and in business, and we're ready for a great hot dog before we head home. El Original is open every night from 6 in the early evening, until 2 in the morning, every day of the week. They operate out of a small trailer that is always parked in the parking lot of the Super Mercado store, where the railroad crosses Lucio Blanco, on the east side of town. The business is run by friendly, college-educated Jose Cuellar, (who prefers to be called "Chris") and his charming wife, and they produce some of the best hot dogs that I've ever eaten. After eating one of their hot dots, you'll want to pass on the overpriced, boiled "Dodger Dog" that L.A. baseball fans seem to love. The motto of El Original is "Fiestas y Cumpleaños, para todo evento social, Hot Dogs, El Original!" (Translation to English: Parties and birthdays, for any social event, Hot Dogs Original!) If you're a dedicated hot dog lover, that slogan will make perfect sense to you. Hot Dogs El Original operates in the same location every day of the week, as they've worked out a deal with the grocery store, and the store not only provides the space for them to park their hot dog trailer, but also provides electricity for lights and the small TV that sits on a chair to one side of the hot dog stand, that always seems to be tuned to Mexican soap operas. During the day when El Original isn't operating, the trailer stays parked in the super market parking lot, and nobody bothers it. Crime is almost non-existent in Lucio Blanco. Photo: Jose, a.k.a. "Chris," is a gentleman who produces some of the best hot dogs you've ever eaten in the State of Tamaulipas. Photo: Vera, works along side her husband, cooking hot dogs every evening of the week, along Mexico Federal Highway 2, at the railroad tracks crossing. Vera and Chris make a great husband and wife hot dog duo! She giggles and grins as our amazing bacon wrapped hot dogs sizzle on the propane fired griddle. Photo: Chris and Vera Cuellar, the husband and wife team who own and operate this fine restaurant, pose for my digital cameral. If you've never had the pleasure to eat a Mexican hot dog, you owe yourself a treat the next time that you venture south of the border. The major differences between Mexican and American hot dogs are that Mexican hot dogs are always grilled; never boiled, and they're wrapped with bacon. El Original operates in the fashion of most hot dog vendors in Mexico, in that they serve the grilled, bacon-wrapped hot dog on a bun, and offer mayonnaise, mustard, diced tomatoes and diced white onions as condiments. On the side, you can add chopped green salsa, chopped jalapeno peppers and cilantro if you want more condiments. Photo: My friend, Rodolfo Rincon, looks at his hot dog, and considers the awesome dinner we will be enjoying on this late Saturday evening. Actually, one hot dog is only an appetizer, and two hot dogs would make for a light dinner, if you have an average appetite like I do. Rodolfo is definitely used to Hot Dogs El Original, as he's a life-long resident of Ejido Lucio Blanco, and a local businessman. My hot dog is waiting for me at the right of the photo, as I'm busy taking photos. At less than a buck apiece, these hot dogs are a real bargain. Chris was happy to point out that on Tuesday, they have a special, in that you get two hot dogs for the price of one, which is a bargain beyond belief. No matter what day of the week you patronize Hot Dogs El Original, you'll be treated to an outstanding Mexican hot dog, for less than a buck each. Photo: Rodolfo and your editor, author and photographer, enjoy one of El Original's delicious hot dogs. Photo: Hot Dog El Original hot dog, up-close and personal, ready to eat. The dogs are wrapped bacon, grilled, and served on a fresh bun. Chris asks what you want on your dog - easy for me, as I always want EVERYTHING - so my bacon-wrapped hot dog came garnished with mayonnaise, mustard, diced tomato, diced onion, along with salsa verde. Delicious! When you're in the mood for a delicious hot dog, Hot Dogs El Original is the place to go in the small town of Lucio Blanco. Hot Dogs El Original Copyright(c) 2016 eRench Productions. All rights reserved. We've been on the web since December 22, 2002.