Sabrosos Elotes Y Vasitos is quite a grandiose name for a corn cart, especially for a street vendor who only sells elotes. But what's in a name, when a street vendor sells delicious corn? As with all restaurant reviews I publish, I have no affiliation with the restaurant reviewed, and there is no monetary gain on my part, as I am simply a person who likes to eat, and I love to write-up, and publish my dining experiences. Photo: "The Corn Guy" stands beside his cart, in front of Hotel La Pasada, between customers. Early every evening, the operator of this Sabrosos Elotes, I'll call him "The Corn Guy," begins his rounds under the famous Tijuana Arch, and the corner of Articulo 123 and Av. Revolución. Depending on business, he may spend his whole evening under the arch, catering to locals and tourists alike. But if it's a slow night, I've seen him push his cart downhill, down Av. Revolución, and wind up on Av. Coahuila, or on "The Alley," in front of one of the many honky tonk bars that line the streets of the infamous Zona Norte. He'll wait in front of such dives as Adelitas or Hong Kong Club for bar patrons to stumble out of the bars, intoxicated by too much booze or too many hookers... nothing like an ear of corn after spending time with an escort, or watching the showgirls at one of the many neighborhood nightclubs. Photo: Customers choose the ear they want from the corn placed on the shelf, out of the hot water. I'm not sure what he has in the pot... In most parts of Mexico, elotes are roasted corn on the cob, sold from a corn cart by a street vendor, and the corn is usually roasted, or grilled, over hot coals, on-site. However in Tijuana, elotes are usually boiled rather than roasted, and that's the way "The Corn Guy" sells his corn, as it's boiled in a large pan that sits on top of his cart. Salt, pepper, lime juice, mayonnaise and hot sauce are offered as condiments. The customers can choose the corn according to their preference, as Sabrosos Elotes Y Vasitos sells the corn on the cob as an elote, or as an esquite, which is when the kernels are cut from the cob and placed in a styrafoam cup, with the condiments mixed in. Either way its presented, the cooked corn makes a delicious snack! Photo: This lady chooses the ear of corn that she wants from the pile of corn that has been placed on the shelf. I caught up with Sabrosos Elotes Y Vasitos as he had parked his cart in front of the Hotel La Posada, on the north side of Articulo 123, across from the plaza, just west of the arch, and got to watch "The Corn Guy" in action, selling corn and waiting on customers. Most of his customers seemed to prefer their corn in a cup, sold as an esquite; I prefer my corn on the cob. Photo: Next, "The Corn Guy" will grab the ear of corn with his tongs. This customer doesn't want to eat her corn on the cob, the Mr. Corn will remove the kernels and place them in one of the styrafoam cups. So early on Friday evening, September 13, 2009, I took the plunge and purchased an elote from "The Corn Guy" at Sabrosos Elotes Y Vasitos. He asked me what toppings I wanted, and I told him mayonnaise, lime juice and hot sauce. He grabbed an ear of corn from a pile that was warming in the tub, out of the water, squeezed chipotle mayonnaise on it, applied picante sauce, and doused the elote with lime juice. He handed me the corn, and I handed him MEX $8.00, which was the price of the elote. Photo: As the customers watch, "The Corn Guy" slices the kernels of corn from the cob, with a sharp knife. I prefer my corn grilled or roasted, rather than boiled, but when you're on the streets of Tijuana's Zona Norte, the corn is boiled, and Sabrosos Elotes Y Vasitos cooks delicious corn. The corn was cooked perfectly, as it was firm, with just a bit of crunch, and the condiments were fresh and tasty. Not to mention that "The Corn Guy" is quite friendly... but during the time of my visit he was quite busy, so I really didn't get the chance to chat with him. Photo: Next, he mixes salt, pepper, lime juice, mayonnaise and hot sauce with the corn, and the esquite is ready for the lady to enjoy. Photo: The customer enjoys her elote, as "The Corn Guy" looks on... Sabrosos Elotes Y Vasitos makes great elotes in Tijuana's Zona Norte! You'll love their fine corn, you'll love their friendly banter, and you'll enjoy amazing corn, either on the cob, or in a bowl, mixed with hot sauce salt, pepper, lime juice and mayonnaise. Any you you look at it, Sabrosos Elotes Y Vasitos steams amazing corn, on Av. Revolucion, in downtown Tijuana, under the arch. Sabrosos Elotes Y Vasitos Copyright(c) 2009 eRench Productions. All rights reserved. We've been on the web since December 22, 2002.