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Snow can come to the Sierra Nevada mountains at any time, and any time past Haloween, you're living on borrowed time if you don't want to experience snow.  Tuesday, November 26, 2013, I decided to get in a bit of late fall railfanning, before the snow seriously starts to fall...  Today's destination:  Troy, a few miles west of Donner Summit.

Photo:  U.P. #7968 west leads a stack trail west at M.P. 184.75, just west of Troy. The time is 1050, and the light is absolutely beautiful. Looking at the photo, you'd hardly know it's late November, as... where's the snow?

Photo:  D.P.U. #7598 pushes the rear of #7968 west.  The first two-thirds of the train were single stack containers, but the last third was double stacks.

Photo:  U.P. #7652 leads a merchandise trail west at M.P. 184.75.

Photo:  My first eastbound train of the day happened to be Amtrak #6, moving about 40 mph around the big curve west of Troy.

Photo:  U.P. #6810 east pokes it's nose around the curve near the west end of Troy.  This is actually a better westbound location, as the next photo illustrates, but when it comes to photos, due to the spectacular scenery, they're all good on Donner Pass!

Photo:  Today's "money shot," as U.P. #5298 heads a westbound auto rack train at M.P. 185.0, hear the west end of Troy.  To access Troy, you need a four wheel drive vehicle, even during the summer, as the road is steep and rough.  Today, it was icy, and in the shady spots, was packed with snow from last week's light snow storm.  You don't want to have vehicle difficulties at Troy, as help is a long ways away.  Keep your scanner tuned to 160.320 MHz, as that's the road frequency, and U.P. Dispatcher 74 will keep you informed about what's going on.

Traffic wise, today was pretty typical in a day-in-the-life of Donner Pass.  The scenery is breathtaking, the mountain air is crisp, and the railfanning is always interesting.  I love railfanning Donner Pass!

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