Halloween 2015... What do I do? Take a swim in the pool, and have Sharlene photo my antics! Photo: I shout "COWABUNGA!" as Sharlene photos me jumping into the pool. Photo: I'm entering the 65-degree water with style. Photo: After being in the water for a few minutes, it doesn't feel so bad. Don't you love NorCal, when you can actually enjoy your pool on the last day of October? Photo: After I "muddied" the water, all is quiet in our pool, and in our back yard. You just have to love the weather in Northern California, when it's 82 degrees on the last day of October, and you can actually take a dip in the pool... Copyright(c) 2015 eRench Productions. All rights reserved. This site has been on the web since December 22, 2002.