As far as I'm concerned, the best way to enjoy Mexico is to park your car, get out of it, and take a hike. You get to mingle with the local people, savor the sights, sounds and smells of Mexico, and immerse yourself in Mexican culture. There is no better way to enjoy a meal then to dine at a small, roadside restaurant, where you not only get to know the locals who prepare your delicious food, but many times, you get to dine with them. Such was the case during my visit to Birrieria Tepatitlan, on Highway 3, at the east end of Ensenada, on the road to San Felipe. Photo: Wednesday morning, September 12, 2012, I was leaving Ensenada, without eating breakfast, so when I saw Birriera Tepatitlan, on the right side of the street, I pulled over, as how could I resist a breakfast of a couple of delicious tacos de birria? Photo: Birriera Tepatitlan is owned and operated by local gals, Pavala, on the left, and Rosa, on the right. The gal in the background is a friend, who stopped by to visit. Birriera Tepatitlan's sign reads, "Servico Para Fiestas," which means they do catering. Photo: I ordered two tacos de birria, and the photo shows a smiling Pavala cooking tortillas on the griddle. Pavala was extremely friendly and talkative, and she was impressed that I was able to speak to her in Spanish - I probably messed it up, but she didn't seem to mind - and the fact that I stopped by to enjoy a couple of tacos. She commented to me that very few Americans stop by for birria, and I told her that they simply didn't know what they were missing, which brought a laugh from both gals. Pavala bombarded me with questions about the U.S.A., and I did my best to be an impromptu ambassador of goodwill. She asked me where I was from, and I told her, Sacramento, and she didn't know where that was, but I told her a couple hundred miles northeast of San Francisco, and she knew all about that. It seems that everybody knows where San Francisco is! Photo: Each taco de birria starts with a large corn tortilla, which Pavala dipped in sauce, then fried on the griddle. Birria is in the large pot, to the left of the photo. Pavala told me that the birria is made at home, as she lives nearby, and its brought to the restaurant in a large pot, and kept warm. I ordered two tacos, but she served them to me one at a time. After removing the tortilla from the griddle, she uses tongs to dip into a smaller pot, which has hot, ready-to-serve birria, and places the meat on the tortilla. The meat is juicy, and the meat juice blends well with the sauce on the cooked tortilla. Next, condiments are applied from the stainless steel containers, in the lower right of the photo. Photo: I hold my first taco de birria, before the condiments are applied. Photo: The first of two delicious tacos de birria, complete with chopped cilantro, diced onion and pepper. Note the juice from the meat, and the perfectly heated tortilla. Several varieties of salsa were also offered, but I like my birria straight-up! Tacos de birria are a very popular breakfast item in Mexico, particularly in the states of Baja California, Sonora and Chihuahua. The price of two tacos de birria at Birriera Tepatitlan was only MEX $45.00, which was a bargain. Photo: Birriera Tepatitlan with Highway 3, a.k.a. Blvd. Esmeralda, in a parting shot. If you're on the way to San Felipe, you owe it to yourself to stop at Birriera Tepatitlan, as you'll not only be treated to some of the best tacos de birria that you've ever eaten, but you'll have to enjoy the company of a couple of very friendly ladies. Birrieria Teptitlan serves delicious, homestyle birria tacos, served by two friendly women. I truly enjoyed a delicious meal, but perhaps even more, I enjoyed the great conversation that I had with them, Pavala in particular. I almost felt as I was an "ambassador of goodwill," on behalf of the U.S.A.! When you're on your way to San Felipe, on Highway 3, stop by Birreria Tepatitlan, and enjoy some great birria, and some great conversation. Birriera
Tepatitlan Copyright(c) 2012 eRench Productions. All rights reserved. We've been on the web since December 22, 2002.