Sunday, September 28, 2008, and I'd been bumming around Bahia Tortugas for couple of days, eating various types of tacos, and even a slice or two of pizza on the side. Don't get me wrong, I could spend the rest of my life, happily pigging out on Mexican street food, but this Sunday morning, I was in the mood for a real, Mexican style breakfast that I crave when I'm visiting Mexico. The night before, I asked my gracious host at the motel for a recommendation, and he recommended Restaurante El Moroco, located on Calle Altamirano, just a few blocks away. So after I'd worked pp an appetite exploring the town, I headed over to Restaurante El Moroco to enjoy a delicious, Sunday morning breakfast. Photo: Restaurant El Moroco, with one of the local residents relaxing near the front of the restaurant. Restaurante El Moroco is the fanciest restaurant in town, as it's quite comfortable, and tastefully decorated, and features tables and chairs that match, and are made of wood and iron, which is a rarity for a restaurant in Bahia Tortugas. Each table is covered with a burgandy tablecloth, and basic condiments are placed on every table. The cement floor is painted red, which goes well with the stained pine paneling that the restaurant features. The walls are decorated with seafood and nautical-themed items, but there ae plenty of American baseball pennants, photos of American movie stars, and even a portrait of John Wayne. I asked the waitress, Consuela, if John had ever eaten in the restaurant, as I recalled that Wayne had taken many trips to Baja, she shurgged her shoulders and replied "No sé." Photo: Inside the elegant dining room. Note the tables and chairs actually match, which is a mark of class for Mexican restaurants. Photo: This corner features photos of movie stars, and American baseball team pennants. Note the photo of John Wayne to the extreme right of the photo. I sat down at a table, and Consuela, the somewhat shy waitress and cook, placed a menu in front of me. On this Sunday morning, she was performing the roles of cook and waitress, aided a bit by her shy daughter, Yolanda. The menu offers a wide variety of breakfast choices, and it's printed in English and Spanish. Considering how many American visitors this town receives, I wonder how useful the English section was... Anyway, from the menu, I chose my favorite Mexican breakfast: Eggs, refried beans, and corn tortillas, washed down by an icy cold Pacifico beer. It doesn't get any better than that! Photo: Consuela takes silverware from the cabinet, as she prepares my table. After taking my order, Consuela disappeared into the kitchen, as Yolanda sat at a table and watched a Mexican soap opera on television. Mexican soap operas seem to be the most popular genre of programming in Mexico, and seem to be on TV 24/7... even in a classy restaurant like El Moroco. After taking a few swigs of my beer, and getting up my nerve a bit, I made my way to the kitchen and managed to snap a photo of Consuela preparing my breakfast. I don't think she appreciated it, as I think I blazed a trail through the restaurant where no man had gone before, but you've got to keep in mind that I'm a jouranalist first, and a diner later. Photo: While my meal was cooking, I made my way to the kitchen and snapped a photo of Consuela in action. She really didn't appreciate my photos, but put up with it. I rewarded her with a very generous tip. My breakfast was delcious, as the beans were wam, creamy, and topped with shredded Mexican cheese. The eggs were cooked omelet style, which is the default way that eggs are presented in Mexico, and my order of tortillas was fried in oil, folded over, but not oily or greasy. Despite the fact that this restaurant has "class," I was surprised to see that my breakfast was served on cheap, plastic plates. Oh well, that doesn't detract from the taste of a delicious meal! Photo: Daughter Yolanda, in the foreground, and mom, Consuela, in the background strike a poetic pose for my camera. The total price of this delicious meal, including the beer, came to MEX $70.00, but I gave Consuela a MEX $100.00 bill, and told her to keep the change for putting up with my many questions and borderline intrusive photos. She giggled, and profusely thanked me. Restaurante El Moroco is owned and operated by the same folks who own the Motel Rendon, located just across the dusty alley. In fact, if you desire to stay at Rendon, there is at the enterance to the restaurant advising you that your room is rented from the restaurant. Photo: My delicious breakfast of corn tortillas, refried beans, topped with shredded cheese, eggs, cooked omelet style, and a dish of smoky salsa. Delicious! For the brest breakfast in town, you can't beat Restaurante El Moroco as they offer attractive and comfortable dining, good service, delicious food, at reasonable price. Restaurante El Moroco Copyright(c) 2008 eRench Productions. All rights reserved. We've been on the web since December 22, 2002.