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During my many trips to Tijuana, I've seen lots of carts on bust street corners that offer hamburgers and hot dogs, and since I'm in Mexico, I have a tendency to avoid hamburgers, as when I'm in Mexico, I prefer tacos, tortas, menudo and other Mexican classics. I usually seek out Mexican hot dogs - go figure - but that's another story. Monday evening, March 21, 2011, I was making my way back to the border after a day of enjoying the sights, sounds and food of Tijuana, when I spotted Hamburgesa de Loren, under the Tijuana arch, and I thought I'd give a Tijuana version of the American classic a try. Photo: Hamburguesa de Loren sets up shop most evenings at the southeast corner of Calle Primera and Av. Revolucion, under the Tijuana Arch, and across the street from the landmark Hotel Nelson. The infamous red light district, the Zona Norte, begins across the street, to the right of the photo. Photo: Calle Primera is pedestrian, bicycles and vending carts-only for the four blocks after you cross the river until you come to Av. Revolucion. It's very pedestrian-friendly, safe, and quit clean. I noticed that most of Loren's customers appeared to be locals, as most visitors from the U.S. tend to shun food carts. Loren sells hot dogs and hamburgers only. Photo: I ordered my hamburger "con todo," and Loren gave me the works. In the photo, he's cooking the large meat patty, a piece of lunch meat, topped with cheese, and toasting the buns. It was interesting to note that he coated both buns with mayonnaise before toasting them on the griddle. That's how tortas are made in Mexico. Photo: Loren has loaded my hamburger with condiments as he applies additional mayonnaise. The meat patty, lunch meat, cheese and the other bun are heating on the griddle. Loren was very friendly, was happy to answer my many questions, and was eager to have his photo taken. Like most locals, he speaks only Spanish, so leave your English at the border. Photo: Hamburguesa de Loren's burger starts with a large bun, and includes a large hamburger patty, a piece of lunch meat with melted cheese, grilled onions, diced cabbage, diced tomatoes, ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard. This burger is as good as it gets, and is priced at about a third of a comprable burger north of the border. Surprise! Loren serves one of the best hamburgers that I've ever had the pleasure to enjoy, and it's priced at MEX $30.00, which prices it about a third of what you would pay for a premium, individually hamburger north of the border. Hamburguesa de Loren is a real bargain and a Tijuana treasure... Hamburguesa
de Loren Copyright(c) 2011 eRench Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. We've been on the web since December 22, 2002.