Early Saturday evening, October 16, 2010 found me hiking back to the border after enjoying a day of exploring beautiful downtown Tijuana. Instead of taking the "tourist route," which is Calle Articulo 123, I decided to hike back along Calle Benito Juarez, a.k.a., Second Street, just for a different Tijuana experience. I wasn't really hungry, as I'd gorged myself all day on tacos and hot dogs... but I couldn't resist the call of just one more hot dog... Photo: Exquisitos Hot Dogs is located on a busy street corner, across from a Pemex gas station, in downtown Tijuana. It's in a tiny push cart, heated by propane. 'Tis twilight time in downtown Tijuana, and the proprietor, Eduardo, has just lit a propane lantern for illumination, as the streets of Tijuana aren't very well lighted. Two locals are enjoying Eduardo's fine hot dogs, as I survey the scene. Photo: Eduardo prepares my hot dog. At MEX $12.00, his hot dogs are a couple of pesos higher than I expected to pay, but they're still a bargain. In talking with Eduardo, I found that he normally only sells hot dogs on Friday and Saturday nights, as he works in a hardware store for his "day" job, and Exquisitos Hot Dogs is just his moonlight job. Photo: I'm not sure that I'd describe this hot dog as "exquisite," as it was just a plain, grilled hot dog, on a plain bun, loaded with chopped tomatoes, diced white onions, mustard, catsup and mayonnaise. Unlike his competitor's dogs, Eduardo's dog wasn't wrapped in bacon. The dog could be described as nothing special, but good, plain, and reasonably priced. Exquisitos
Hot Dogs Copyright(c) 2012 eRench Productions. All rights reserved. We've been on the web since December 22, 2002.