For several months we'd been following the progress of J.R.'s Texas Bar-B-Que, and the new location near work was being transformed from a defunct chain restaurant, to a barbecue restaurant, worthy of serving authentic Texas-style barbecue. J.R.'s opened around the middle of October, but it wasn't until Friday, November 4, 2011, that my friend Teri and I were able to enjoy dinner at J.R.'s... Photo: J.R.'s is now open!!! The restaurant is located only about four blocks from work, so I have the feeling that I'll be a regular at this place. Breakfast is coming soon... I can hardly wait! This photo was taken with the camera of my iPhone 4, and I'm amazed at the quality, of this existing-light photo. Photo: The decor of J.R's is very rustic, attractive and comfortable, but not at all fancy. Teri is helping herself to some dipping sauce, served on the side, which is the way its done in Texas. J.R.'s offers three variety of dipping sauce: Original, sweet and spicy. I tried them all, and they're all good. Photo: Since Teri and I were on our lunch, "half hour," I phoned in or order, and by the time we arrived at J.R.'s our order was ready. If you didn't phone in your order, you walk up to the counter, make your selection from the overhead menu, or the paper menu, pay for your order, choose a table, and wait for your number to be called. You can watch the guy behind the counter preparing your order... you know the food is fresh! I love open kitchens, where you can watch your order taking shape, and photograph the whole operation! Photo: My co-worker and friend, Teri McCloud and I pose with our order of the "Combination Place." Note the attractive, yet rustic, decor. Photo: Teri and I ordered a "Combination Plate," and split it, as you'd definitely need a Texas-size appetite to eat this much food. The "Combination Place" is two pork ribs, two beef ribs, and two slices of brisket. It includes two sides; we each ordered a side of cornbread, and a pint of potato salad, which was extra. We also ordered an all-you-can-drink fountain drink. Drinks and sauce are serve yourself, which makes it easy. Believe it or not, we actually took home in a box a couple of ribs, a piece of cornbread, and about half of the potato salad, as we couldn't eat it all! I ate ribs and potato salad for breakfast the next day... So how "Texas" is J.R.'s Texas Bar-B-Que? It's Texas, right down to the mesquite wood that's used to smoke the meat to a delicate pink. There are three varieties of sauce, and sauce is served on the side, for dipping, the way barbecue is served in Texas. The only thing that's missing is the sawdust on the floor... So in Sacramento, if you hunger for true Texas-style barbecue, look no further than J.R.'s Texas Bar-B-Que. J.R. produces delicious, authentic Texas barbecue! J.R.'s
Texas Bar-B-Que Copyright(c) 2011 eRench Productions. All rights reserved. This site has been on the web since December 22, 2002.