Only a few years ago, you could walk the streets of downtown Sacramento, and you'd see a hot dog cart on almost every street corner. Between over-government regulations, the 5+ year recession, and the fact that the City of Sacramento doesn't particularly embrace vendors who sell food on the streets, hot dog carts are few and far between. However, as of September, 2012, there is a new kid on the block, Hot Diggity Dogg, who sells delicious hot dogs at the north east corner of 5th and "I" Streets, at the Federal Court House. If you're interested in a good hot dog, read on... Photo: Like a beacon for hot dog lovers, Hot Diggity Doggs shines at the busy corner of 5th and "I" Streets, in downtown Sacramento, California. The hot dog cart is located next to the imposing federal courthouse, which occupies most of the background of the photo. Photo: Bruce and Linda, at their hot dog cart at the corner of 5th and "I" Streets, in downtown Sacramento. Photo shows the menu, which offers four delicious choices. As the traditionalist that I am, especially when it comes to hot dogs, I opted for #1 on the menu, the "Old Fashioned Dog," along with a package of chips and a soda. For $5.00, how can you beat a lunch deal like this? Photo: Operating in tandem, Bruce takes my order, and my money, and Linda prepares my delicious Old Fashioned hot dog. These folks are nice people, true entrepreneurs, and deliver a quality product. Photo: Linda puts the mustard, the final touch, on my delicious "Old Fashioned" hot dog. Photo: Oh yes, how can I resist snapping a photo of a pretty hot dog lady, who is holding a superior hot dog? Photo: Hi Mom! Hi Dad! I hug a pretty hot dog lady!!! Of course it's Linda, at Hot Diggity Doggs, in downtown Sacramento. Photo: The rubber meets the road: Superior hot dog, at Hot Diggity Dogg! I ordered everything! with my dog... which included mustard, onions, tomato and relish. The bun was a large, fresh bun, and the hot dog was a real hot dog. What I mean by a real hot dog, is this wasn't one of those "rubbery" hot dogs that are sold at your local supermarket. No! When you bit into Hot Diggity Dogg's hot dog, it crunches! Hey, that's a natural casing! That's a real hot dog... and that's the way a hot dog is meant to be. I commented to Linda upon the quality of her dog, and the fact that it would "crunch" when I bit into it, and she told me that she and Bruce had put many hours into searching for the perfect dog and they felt they had found it. Linda, I agree that you and Bruce sell the perfect dog in downtown Sacramento! As an aside, I sort of feel honored, as Hot Diggity Dogg has only been in business for two weeks, so I am a vanguard, or maverick, whatever you want to call it, as for as a restaurant review. I feel honored... Any way you look at it, Hot Diggity Dogg sells superior hot dogs, provided to you by some of the friendliest people that you'll ever meet on the streets of downtown Sacramento. If you're in the mood for a great hot dog, or a bargain lunch built around a fine hot dog, plan to visit Hot Diggity Dogg... Hot
Diggity Dogg Copyright(c) 2012 eRench Productions. All rights reserved. This site has been on the web since December 22, 2002.