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My friend and co-worker, Teri McCloud have many things in common, which is why we're good friends, but perhaps the tie that bonds the most is the fact that we're both "foodies" ... Simply said, we like to eat!  Thursday, December 15, 2011, it was her turn to choose the restaurant, so her choice was Panda Express, on Marconi Avenue, which is less than a 5-minute drive from work.  


Photo:  My friend Teri and I work the evening shift, and we're fortunate in that there are many great places to eat within a five-minute drive from work.  We only get 30 minutes for dinner, so we usually order in advance and have our food placed in a "to-go" container.  There are a couple of Panda Express outlets located near work, but this location is by far our favorite...


Photo:  Yes, it's a typical Panda Express, in that the dining room is spacious, comfortable and very clean.


Photo:  You walk in, and walk up to the counter, and place your order, and its dished up for you, right before your eyes.  The Marconi Ave. location of Panda Express is very busy, so the food is always fresh.  The friendly counter girl, Joyce, is busy preparing Teri's order.  Teri and I ordered the same dinner, as we have very "like" tastes in food, but at Panda Express, you can't go wrong.  I like the order-from-the counter format, as the food is fresh, you are served quickly, and no tip is required or expected.  For busy folks like Teri and I on our half-hour dinner break, fast service is always appreciated...


Photo:  My friend Teri and I have similar tastes, so I told her, "Whatever you order, is what I'll order" so my diner tonight was a "one entrée" selection of orange chicken, stir-fried broccoli, fried rice, chow mein, pot stickers and fountain Pepsi.  The Marconi location of Panda Express is a link in a large chain of restaurants, but their food is fresh, delicious, and the folks treat you well.


Photo:  Teri poses at our table, with our identical dinners in "to go" boxes.  We "fudged" a little, as things were slow at work, and we actually were absent from work a few minutes later than we were authorized to be... Shhhhh!!! ... don't tell the boss... We didn't really need the "to go" boxes tonight, as we were actually able to finish our meal a the restaurant, which is a nice thing.  All of the photos in this write-up were taken using my iPhone 4... which amazes me at its convenience and the quality of the photos.

Panda Express
4245 Marconi Ave.  Ste. #105
Sacramento, CA 95821
916 974-7068

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