At the last meeting of the Sacramento Breakfast Club, I looked at the rotation sheet and I noted that it was David's turn to choose the location of the next meeting. For David, it wasn't a problem, as he'd already scoped out Rivers Edge Café and Espresso Bar, as it's close to where he lives, and it's a favorite hangout place for the neighborhood locals. Friday morning, June 24, 2011, we held our bi-monthly meeting at Rivers Edge Café and Espresso Bar. b Photo: Rivers Edge Café and Espresso Bar is located in an upscale shopping mall, just a block south of the American River, and features indoor and patio dining. Since the temperature was around the 70 degree mark, on this early summer day, patio dining would have been an option, but we chose to dine inside... as per the protocol of the Sacramento Breakfast Club. Rivers Edge Café isn't new to us, as we've published our dining experience at the restaurant twice on our web page. Editor's note: Review the last visit to Rivers Edge here... But what was new today was the decor... gone is the fishing tackle and up with the new... specifically the fishing tackle has been replaced by Sacramento Kings memorabilia and other sports-oriented photos, plaques and jerseys... is Rivers Edge Café attempting to keep the embattled Sacramento Kings basketball franchise in town? ... that's another issue. Photo: Our super-friendly server Mike takes Sara's order. David contacted them prior to our meeting, so a table for eight was already set. It had been almost a year since I'd been into the restaurant, yet Mike remembered my name, and he even remembered what I ordered at the last time we held a breakfast club meeting at this fine restaurant. Note the new decour: Gone is the fishing tackle which has been replaced by the sports memorbilia. Photo: Server, cashier, jack-of-all-trades, and nice person, Laura smiles for my digital camera. Although she was quite shy to have her photo taken, I assured her that I would only publish a model-quality photo of her... so folks, here it is! Photo: I asked Mike to pose for just a moment so I could snap his photo, as he does what he does what he does the best. Photo: Mike delivers Sara's breakfast to the table, as Laura follows up with a plate of sourdough toast. Rivers Edge Rivers Edge Café offers many varieties of toast; if you don't like toast, you can order pancakes instead. Photo: Just like our last visit, I ordered Italian sausage, stuffed hash brown potatoes, two fried eggs, over easy, sourdough toast, and the endless mug of delicious coffee. I had aspirations to tackle the chicken fried steak, but my appetite just couldn't support it... so I ordered the "same thing as I ordered the last time we visited the restaurant..." What the heck, as Rivers Edge Rivers Edge Café is the only place we've discovered in town that offers stuffed hash brown potaotes... the stuffed hash brown potatoes are alone, worth the price of admission, as they are both unique and delicious. Photo: Today's members of the Sacramento Breakfast Club, from left to right: Tony Godsey, Matt Donnelly, Sara Donnelly, David DeMario, Mike Casella and Eric Rench. So now we have to discuss the post-mortem meeting in the parking lot... of course the MAJOR topic of discussion was the stuffed hash brown potatoes. Where else in town can you find stuffed hash brown potatoes? The hash brown potatoes are stuffed with bacon, cheese, onions and sour cream, and alone, are worth the price of admission to the restaurant. It was a forgone conclusion in our parking lot meeting that we LOVE Rivers Edge Café and Espresso Bar... for Mike's friendly service, the comfortable decour, and the great food... oh, did I forget? ... the stuffed hash brown potatoes... Rivers
Edge Café
and Espresso Bar Copyright(c) 2011 eRench Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. This site has been on the web since December 22, 2002. Web page design has been created by eRench Productions, Inc., custom photography for any occasion...